Thursday, June 28, 2012

Prestashop Module Image Gallery

This module creates a gallery page where you can present a single gallery or multiple galleries of images and YouTube videos using Fancybox, which displays the full-sized images or videos in a popup.

Image Gallery Main Features

The module lets you have a single gallery or multiple galleries, though it doesn't let you have galleries within galleries.

It lets you specify a different caption, meta-information and friendly URL for each gallery.

You can add images to galleries either one-by-one on the configuration page, or you can upload a ZIP file to upload multiple images at a time. You can also upload images directly to the gallery directory using an FTP client and click the "Regenerate images" button to import them all. You can also optionally set a "Link" on each image.

There are 9 link types. The "Category", "CMS Page", "CMS Category", "Manufacturer", "Product" and "Supplier" link types are used to link the image thumbnail to a specific category, CMS page, CMS category, manufacturer, product or supplier instead of displaying a full-sized image in a popup. The "External" link type is used to enter a link on a different website.

Enter a single link or use the flags if you need per-language links. You can also choose whether to open the link in a new window. Finally, the "SWF Video" link type can be used to display a SWF animation or video in a popup when the image thumbnail is clicked.

The "Gallery Settings" section lets you control how image thumbnails are displayed and other gallery settings. The "Per-language images" option lets you specify a different image for each language. This is useful if you are displaying promotional materials with text that needs to be translated. The "Hide cover image" lets you choose whether the gallery thumbnail image is displayed as one of the gallery's images.

The "Thumbnail image size" option lets you specify the size of the thumbnails used in the image block and on the gallery pages. Changing this setting will only affect new images that are uploaded. To resize existing thumbnails, click the "Regenerate images" button in the "Galleries" section. Leave the "Erase existing data" option disabled.

The "Thumbnail captions" option lets you choose whether captions are displayed under gallery and image thumbnails. The "Number of block images" option lets you enter how many images or galleries are displayed in the image block.

The "Random" option lets you choose whether images or galleries in the image block are displayed in a random order. The "Number of page images" option lets you choose how many images are displayed in each column and row on the gallery page.

The "Image spacing" option lets you specify how many pixels of spacing is used between thumbnail images. The "Frame" option lets you specify the size and colour of the frame that is displayed around thumbnails.

By default, a 5px white frame is used to make thumbnails look like Polaroid photos. Enter a HTML keyword or hex code as the colour. You can specify a frame width of 0px if you don't want any frame around thumbnails. The "Border" option lets you specify the size, colour and type of border around the frame.

The "Fancybox Settings" section lets you control the image pop-up settings such as the caption position and animation transitions. You can see a demo of the module on the "Demo" tab on the module's page here.

You could use this module to add a gallery of promotional photos or videos to your website.

You could allow your customers to send you photos or links to YouTube videos through your contact form of them using your products.  You could then add the best ones to a gallery.This module creates a gallery page where you can present a single gallery or multiple galleries of images and YouTube videos using Fancybox, which displays the full-sized images or videos in a popup.

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