Monday, September 12, 2011

Prestashop Module ExportCatalogue pour 1.3

Export your products and make their edition easier

This module exports your product fields in a csv file. You can filter your catalog by langage or categories and choose the fields to export.

ExportCatalogue pour 1.3 Main Features

    You can export the fields :
  • ID,
  • Active,
  • Product name,
  • Categories,
  • Price tax excluded,
  • Tax rate,
  • Wholesale price,
  • On sale,
  • Product Reference,
  • Supplier Reference,
  • Supplier ID,
  • Manufacturer ID,
  • EAN13,
  • Ecotax,
  • Weight,
  • Quantity,
  • Short description,
  • Description,
  • Tags,
  • Meta Title,
  • Meta keywords,
  • Meta description.
  • URL rewritten,
  • Text when in stock,
  • Text if back order,
  • Add date,
  • Images URLs,
  • Features,

Product combinations are not exported

With the export file, you can easily edit your products ( in Excel, Open Office... ) and import your modifications in Prestashop. 
The module documentation includes an import guide, for an optimal use of Prestashop's import.

All the product categories are exported : the default categorie is the first value ( as needed in Prestashop import ).

All the product images URLS are exported : the default image URL is the first ( as needed in Prestashop import ).

All the product features are exported, one feature per column ( as needed in Prestashop import ).

All the product tags are exported.

You'll find the same module for Prestashop 1.4x versions here :

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